
Picture 1 - Nikolaus Fortelny Christoph Bock (c) Klaus Pichler_CeMM

Immune cells in the starting blocks: Being “always ready” is hard work – Nature Immunology paper by Nikolaus Fortelny.

When pathogens invade the body, the immune system must respond immediately to prevent or contain infection. But how do our immune cells stay ready when there is no attacker in sight? Scientists in Vienna and Salzburg have come up with a fascinating explanation: They are stimulated by healthy tissue.

Published on 27 April 2024

Alois Musil

Er war Priester und Orientalist, kaisertreuer Österreicher – und fühlte sich nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg in Wien verfemt, sodass er in Prag lehrte und vor allem auf Tschechisch publizierte. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dietmar Winkler zum 80. Todestag Alois Musils, damals berühmter, heute unbekannter Kenner des Orients.

Published on 24 April 2024
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Manifesto Pledge for sustainable research in theoretical computer science

We believe that our research community should aim for a significant reduction of carbon emissions and evolve towards more sustainable practices. As an objective, we commit ourselves to reducing our emissions by at least 50% before 2030 relative to pre-2020 levels.

Published on 23 April 2024