
Historic Moment: Our First EuMIGS Student Passes Master’s Thesis Defense!

Our first EuMIGS-student defended her Master’s thesis!

Mirjam Böjte, our first EuMIGS outgoing student, successfully defended her Master’s thesis on “Complex memories. The case of the Transylvanian Saxons” on August 23 (supervisor: Prof. Gianni D’Amato, Neuchâtel; expert: Prof. Kyoko Shinozaki). HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS, MIRI!

During her Master’s studies in Sociology in Salzburg, Miri applied for the  Double Degree Program “European Master in Migration Studies” and went to Neuchâtel in her 2nd year of her study. She will soon be graduating from two universities.

The new application round for the academic year 2025-26 will be announced in fall (application deadline: beginning of December 2024). Are you interested? Please contact Wolfgang Aschauer and Kyoko Shinozaki.

Mirjam Böjte