
Open PhD positions in Tumor Immunology!

AML is a disorder characterized by abnormal differentiation of myeloid cells resulting in high levels of immature malignant cells and reduced levels of fully functional white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. The main aim of the current projects is to study signalling events, cellular communication and immune responses in AML.
Both PhD positions are part of the Cancer Cluster Salzburg (CCS) which brings together 14 expert groups in basic, translational and clinical cancer research from the Salzburg Cancer Research Institute, the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) and the University Hospital of the Paracelsus Medical University Clinics Salzburg.
Thesis projects:
• Hedgehog-GLI Signaling and Tumor Immunity in AML
• Interaction of malignant cells and the immune system in AML
Applicants should be highly motivated individuals holding a Master degree in (Molecular) Biology, Immunology or related disciplines with a strong background within the fields of immunology, tumor immunology, cancer biology, molecular biology or related fields. The candidates should appreciate working in an international and interactive environment. The main objective of appointment to the position of PhD fellows is to qualify researchers for a successful career in basic as well as translational and applied science.
Applications should include (i) a letter of motivation including a summary of the applicant’s past research accomplishments (1 page) (ii) a CV (iii) a list of publications and congress participations (publications themselves should not be enclosed) (iv) copies of certificates and grades and (v) letters of recommendation or (vi) names and contact details of three references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number).Three-year contracts will be based on collective contract (§ 27, 75%, 30 hours per week,€ 2.048,30 per month, 14 x).
Applications should be submitted until April 21, 2017 to:
Univ. Prof. Dr. Fritz Aberger University of Salzburg, Department, of Molecular Biology, Hellbrunnerstraße 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria () for the project: Hedgehog-GLI Signaling and Tumor Immunity
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jutta Horejs-Hoeck University of Salzburg, Department, of Molecular Biology, Hellbrunnerstraße 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria () for the project: Interaction of malignant cells and the immune system.
For further information please see:,,