
Online-Kolloquium Slavistische Linguistik am 22.01.2021, 12.30-13.30

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Meeting-Kennnummer: 121 647 0986
Passwort: kPRupS2WQ85
Gastgeber-Kennnummer: 996358
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Zugriffscode: 121 647 0986
This research focuses on the “politeness generating” modal particles in Russian and German discourses. The research assumptions are generally accepted: first, the politeness is a universal category that is expressed and lexicalized differently in languages and, second, language-specific discursive strategies of politeness presuppose utilizing markers that, being rather tiny in form, significantly influence the degree of politeness. Theory of politeness seems to be quite substantial when it comes to individual natural languages research, but the benefits of comparative and cross-cultural approach to this category are often overlooked. In Russian discourse, for example, it is modal particles that serve as major markers of politeness, and this phenomenon is deeply studied within existing national research schools. Outside of Russia, though, markedness of Russian linguistic politeness is rarely ever mentioned in contemporary politeness research.  Meanwhile, comparison of the ways particles are used in strategies of politeness in Russian and German (two language with developed systems of particles) can give a wider view on either language mechanisms.  My work is supposed to fill this gap, at least partially, by comparing the role of modal particles in politeness strategies typical of the Russian and German languages.
Curriculum Vitae
Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Österreich
Doktoratsstudium, Oktober 2014 – April 2020
(Multimodale Textanalyse, Slawistik) 
Weißrussische Staatsuniversität Minsk, Weißrussland
Doktoratsstudium, seit November 2010
(Politischer und Mediendiskurs) 
Weißrussische Staatsuniversität Minsk, Weißrussland
Magistratur im Fachbereich Germanische Sprachen (Englisch, Deutsch) September 2009 – Juni 2010 (Mediendiskurs)
Baranovichi Staatsuniversität Baranovichi, Weißrussland
Diplomstudium Germanische Sprachen (Englisch, Deutsch)
Abschluss mit Auszeichnung
September 2004 – Juni 2009

Univ.-Prof. Imke Mendoza

Professur für Linguistik

Universität Salzburg/Fachbereich Slawistik

Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1, Zi. 3.412, 5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-4501

E-Mail an Univ.-Prof. Imke Mendoza