
ÖH elections 23 – How does the election work?

The ÖH elections are just around the corner. From 9 to 11 May 2023, all students can elect their representatives.

What do you vote for?

The ÖH elections are your chance to have a say in how you are represented as a student. On three different levels – in your degree programme, at your university and on a national level – you have a political representation that stands up for your needs and interests. The study programme representation represents your degree programme, can actively participate in the design of your study plan and is your first point of contact for subject-specific concerns. The university representation offers you advice on all aspects of your studies and is in contact with the rectorate or the management of your university and advocates for your interests there. The federal representation is the Austria-wide student representation and also has numerous counselling and service offers. In addition, it is also their task to actively shape the nationwide higher education policy, which is why they also advocate for your concerns vis-à-vis the government as well as other stakeholders.

Who is eligible to vote?

In order to be eligible to vote, you must be admitted to a study programme at an educational institution in Austria and have registered to continue your studies by 21 March 2023 for the summer semester 2023. For this purpose, it is important to pay the ÖH fee by this date (§ 47  HSG).

Citizenship is not important in the ÖH election. Students from third countries or Erasmus students are also eligible to vote.

How does the election work?

Student Representative Council (StV)
The election of the Student Council is a personal election. This means that each person can stand for election on his or her own; no declarations of support are required. The number of people who can be elected to a student council depends on the number of students in the study programme represented: up to 400 students, 3 mandates are awarded – i.e. 3 people are elected; above this number, 5 mandates are awarded.

University Representation (HV)
The election of the HV is a list election – this means that electoral groups or fractions stand for election, not individuals. You can vote for one of these groups in the election. Depending on the size of the university, between 7 and 27 mandates are allocated.

Federal Representation (BV)
The election for the BV is also a list election, i.e. groups or parliamentary groups, not individuals, run for election here too. You can vote for one of these groups in the election. 55 mandates are allocated.

How can I vote?

On the election days from 9 to 11 May, you can cast your vote directly at the polling station at your university. You can find the polling stations in the polling station finder of the Austrian Students’ Union.

If you are not at the university on the election days, you can apply for an absentee ballot at until 2 May. This must be received by the postal voting commission (Taubstummengasse 7-9, 1040 Vienna) by 10 May at 6 pm at the latest.

An overview of the main deadlines:

  • Application period for postal vote cards: 22 March to 02 May 2023
  • Deadline for submission of a list of candidates for a university/federal representation: 21 March to 04 April 2023
  • Deadline for submission of candidature for a study programme representation: 21 March to 13 April 2023
  • Deadline for electoral cards to reach the electoral office: 10 May 2023 at 6 p.m.
  • Election days: 09, 10 and 11 May 2023

ÖH election 2023

Keya Baier

ÖH Chair

Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft (ÖH)

Taubstummengasse 7-9 | A-1040 Wien

Tel: +43 1 3108880

Email to Keya Baier

Image: © ÖH