
Nikolaus Fortelny named RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH at MedUni Vienna

Nikolaus Fortelny and Thomas Krausgruber (CeMM & MedUni Vienna) have been awarded MedUni Vienna’s “Researcher of the Month – June 2021” for their work entitled “Structural cells are key regulators of organ-specific immune responses”, which was published in Nature. The multidisciplinary study was carried out in close collaboration with Prof. Christoph Bock’s research group (CeMM & MedUni Vienna) and Dr. Andreas Bergthaler’s research group (CeMM). Nikolaus Fortelny has been head of the Computational Systems Biology laboratory at the PLUS since September 2020.

Read more here (in German):  2021 June – Thomas Krausgruber and Nikolaus Fortelny | MedUni Wien7

Foto: © CeMM

Foto: CeMM

Foto: © CeMM