
New publication by Esther Schamschula and members of AG Risch

The main outcome of Esthers PhD project, has just appeared online ahead of print: She screened monozygotic twins with cystic fibrosis for differentially methylated regions (Illumina 450K). Of these inflammation-related DMRs, a targeted bisulfite sequencing approach revealed one, a regulatory region at PKP3, as also differentially methylated in blood samples from a lung cancer case-control study, and we showed that this region exhibits methylation-dependent promoter activity in lung epithelial cells.

 Disease-related blood-based differential methylation in cystic fibrosis and its representation in lung cancer revealed a regulatory locus in PKP3 in lung epithelial cells.

Schamschula E, Lahnsteiner A, Assenov Y, Hagmann W, Zaborsky N, Wiederstein M, Strobl A, Stanke F, Muley T, Plass C, Tümmler B, Risch A.

Epigenetics. 2021 Aug 20:1-24. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2021.1959976. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 34415821

Gruppe AG Risch

Esther Schönauer

Photographs: © Esther Schamschula I © AG Risch