
Looking for a woman with and without a migration background

wirkt. social innovation GmbH is urgently looking for a woman with a migration background and one without for its LANA Salzburg project.

The LANA Salzburg pilot project (from end of September/beginning of October to mid-December) aims at creating a safe space for Austrian women and migrant women to work on and discuss issues relevant to women. The group should consist of 8 diverse women – 4 with and 4 without a migration background. The group meets twice a month for 1.5 hours each. The 8 women should be supported in organizing 2 major events on issues relevant to women (e.g. health, leisure, labor market, cultural exchange, integration). The topic can be freely chosen within these areas. The project aims at reinforcing the empowerment of women, who in turn empower each other.

The time required is about 5 hours per month (with the 2 meetings, 1.5 hours each). The dates in the flyer will be adjusted according to the availability of the participating women, thus they should only be understood as provisional.

For further information:
Instagram: lana_wirkt
Facebook: LANA

Contact person
Ms. Alrun Heil
LANA – an impact venture that works. social innovation GmbH (non-profit)

Tel: 0670 5939 33

LANA Flyer