
Language Centre: registration in the winter semester 2018/19

Registration for staff and alumni of the University of Salzburg:

Monday 10 September to Thursday 13 September 2018 in the office of the Language Centre

Registration for students of the University of Salzburg and other external interested persons:

17 September to 12 Oktober 2018

  • Please note: between 17 September to 25 September 2018 registration is only possible by appointment.
  • From 08:30 am on Wednesday 12 September  2018  you can make an appointment for the period 17 September to 25 September 2018 to register for courses at the Language Centre.
  • Appointments can only be made online at
  • Please note that an appointment  is not a course registration.
  • As of Wednesday 26 September 2018, you can register for language courses without prior appointment at the Language Centre during office hours.

Office hours:

Mag.a Uta Glassner
Mon-Fr 8.30am-12 noon 
Mon & Wed 2.30pm-5.00pm

Mag. Uta Glassner

Sekretariat; Kursberatung und Anmeldung

Sprachenzentrum, Universität Salzburg

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 2. Stock, Zi. 2.441, 5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 4397

Email to Mag. Uta Glassner