
Language Centre: Course registration for alumni club members, staff, external students and MORE students

The Language Centre is once again offering a varied and diverse course programme for all language enthusiasts this semester. Language lovers can choose from an extensive range of 12 languages, including a wide range of Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese and Korean). The programme also includes various courses with a specific language focus in the field of German and English academic language as well as Business English. The programme also includes a course for the plurilingual learning of Romance languages and the course “Culture and Language: Austria and more”.

Additional services for individual language learning

The Language Centre also offers a wide range of additional services that enable participants to organise their language learning process according to their needs. The offer ranges from self-study materials and videos in the media library, language learning partnerships (tandem) to a Language Meetup that takes place several times per semester. Another new addition to the programme is Language advising, which is integrated into the course “Language learning: diverse and individual”.

Registration for the courses takes place in two phases:

  1. Registration deadline 1: 09 to 12 September 2024 for alumni club members, staff, external students and MORE students.
  2. The general registration period for all those interested in languages (PLUS and MOZ students) will take place from 16 September 2024.

Find out about the registration deadlines here.

Please note:

  • You need an appointment to register for a language course.
  • Appointments for registration will only be allocated ONLINE on this page of the Language Centre.
  • From Wednesday, 4 september 2024, 08:30, appointments will be allocated for external students, alumni, staff (PLUS and Mozarteum) and MORE students.
  • Please note that registering for an appointment does not constitute registration for a language course.
  • Please allow sufficient time for consultation and registration.
  • Telephone registrations as well as registrations by e-mail cannot be accepted.

Please also note the information on course selection and placement in preparation for your appointment.


Mag. Uta Glassner

Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Language Centre

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 2. Stock, Raum 2.441 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 4397

Email to Mag. Uta Glassner

Photo: © Kay Müller