
Gastvortrag „Gendered Dressing and Clothing Industries in Kenya“ – Immaculate Frodwa – 3.5., 13-15, HS 387

GV Gendered Dressing and Clothing Industries in Kenya - Immaculate Frodwa - 3.4., 13-15, HS 387

Kornelia Hahn lädt herzlich zum Gastvortrag von

Immaculate Frodwa, Great Lakes University Kisumu/Kenya
am Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023, 13:15-14:45, Rudolfskai 42, HS 387
zum Thema Gendered Dressing and Clothing Industries in Kenya


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kornelia Hahn

E-Mail an Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kornelia Hahn