
FWF project approval Dr. Sebastian Diechler

A sophisticated bacterium: Helicobacter pylori regulates the host’s defenses

Helicobacter pylori is one of the most successful pathogens that infects its host for a lifetime and can cause chronic inflammation and stomach cancer. How H. pylori regulates inflammation and yet colonizes the stomach as a unique niche is being researched in the following approved projects at the Paris-Lodron University in the “Microbial Infection and Cancer” working group of Prof. Silja Weßler:

Dr. Sebastian Diechler will shed light on a unique mechanism that enables H. pylori to permanently colonize the inflamed epithelium as part of the ÖAW/FWF-funded “Early Career Seed Money” program for young scientists.


Sebastian Diechler 2023

Photo: © S. Haigermoser | © S. Wessler