
FR 6.3.: Gastvortrag: Why gypsum and cliffs are relevant for evolutionary biology? Neither rare, nor boring.

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
Dr. Pablo Tejero Ibarra ist Forscher an der Society of Sciences Aranzadi & dem Pyrenean Institute of Ecology- IPE-CSIC.

In the talk, I will introduce OPEnPYR, an initiative to develop research on plant evolution in the Pyrenees. Particularly, I will introduce the two main research topics in which I am currently involved: Gen-FF and GYPWORLD. Both projects have the common scientific framework of speciation and plant adaptation to extreme substrates. The aim of Gen-FF is to describe the genetic variation and unravel the phylogeography of relevant plant species in ecological research and conservation in the Pyrenees. As an example, I will present the results of the research in the endemic and cataloged cliff specialist Androsace cylindrica. AFLP and ptDNA based analyses show a strong genetic differentiation of populations and a clear west/east genetic break. GYPWORLD is a worldwide platform that concentrates ecological research related to gypsum soils. Gypsum is common substrate in arid zones of the planet. Although toxic for many plant species, it also hosts endemic species. Our research is focused on understanding the mechanisms behind this substrate specificity and we have developed different approaches to investigate its phylogenetic component.

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesBarrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
After the seminar (ca. 16:00 h), everybody is welcome to join us for drinks and munchies in the „coffee corner on the second floor“.

Dr. Andreas Tribsch, Assoz.Prof.


Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Biowissenschaften

Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 (0) 662/8044-5504

E-Mail an Dr. Andreas Tribsch, Assoz.Prof.