
FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá

“Establishing Transdisciplinary Research and Teaching in Asian Studies: the Foundational Role of Languages and Linguistics” Lorna CARSON | Trinity College Dublin, Irland

Freitag, 15. Dezember 2023 | 14.15-15.45 Uhr | Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 3. Stock, HS 888 | Salzburg | ONLINE-Teilnahme (Teams):   LINK 

This talk argues for the foundational role of languages and linguistics in the establishment of transdisciplinary research and teaching in Asian Studies. Drawing on our experience at Trinity College Dublin and the launch of the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies in Ireland just under a decade ago, I will reflect on key elements that shaped our university’s decision-making process, including our partnerships and our disciplinary expertise. I will examine how the model we followed placed the study of language & culture and theoretical & applied linguistics at the centre of our activities. I will share some key research axes which underpin our centre’s teaching and public outreach activities, examining in particular some of the interesting (and, perhaps, surprising!) applications of primary research in languages and linguistics. Finally, I will reflect on some of the challenges we have faced in our efforts to maintain a focus on languages and linguistics in our Chinese, Korean and Japanese programmes as well as in our future plans.

Lorna Carson is Head of the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences and Professor in Applied Linguistics. She holds a B.A. (Mod.), M.Phil. in Applied Linguistics and Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin, and an M.A. in European Studies (Human Resource Management) from the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium. In 2015 she was elected a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. She was the Founding Director of the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies, a multidisciplinary teaching and research centre which brings together the university’s expertise in Japanese, Korean and Chinese Studies. She was elected to the University Council in 2021. Professor Carson’s research on language learning addresses issues located at the interface between individual and societal multilingualism, with a particular attention on the language classroom, with a focus on language learning, language education policy and assessment. Her books include „Language and Identity in Europe: The Multilingual City and its Citizens“ (2020, Peter Lang), „The Multilingual City: Vitality, Conflict and Change“, co-edited with Lid King (2016, Multilingual Matters); „Language Learner Autonomy: Policy, Curriculum, Classroom“, co-edited with Breffni O’Rourke (2010, Peter Lang), and „Multilingualism in Europe: A Case Study“ (2003, 2005, Peter Lang). She is a former President of IRAAL, the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (2014-2017). She is a member of the Governing Body of Marino Institute of Education, and sits on its Academic Council.

Further information:

Agorá Prof. Lorna Carson

Mag. Dragana Imbric

FOR APAC Consultant

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Forum Asia Pacific

Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 3900

E-Mail an Mag. Dragana Imbric

Foto: @ Lorna Carson | Hintergrundfoto: Patrick Tomasso_unsprash