Eventtipp: Spotlight – International Research and Education Cooperation
A SWOT analysis from the perspective of Eurasia-Pacific Uninetpol
With the designated EPU President Prof. Josef Strobl and representatives of EPU universities. On the podium, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heinisch (moderator) will welcome Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Gutjahr (Rector, Mozarteum University Salzburg), FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Mag. Dr. Dominik Engel (Rector and Managing Director, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences) and Dr. Wolfgang Sperl (Rector, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg).
The event will be concluded with refreshments.
WHERE: Alte Bibiotheksaula; Hofstallgasse 2-4
WHEN: Tuesday, March 19, 5:30 p.m.
Please register to attend in person: Registration
HYBRID via Microsoft TEAMS under this Teams LINK
Meeting ID: 343 700 563 837
Passcode: yBAyEp
Based on the experiences of the EPU ( https://www.eurasiapacific.info), we will discuss the potential and objectives of international university networks, also from the perspective of the effects of current crises and conflicts.
How can research and educational cooperation be redesigned and practiced in this environment?
The event is part of International Week 2024.