
Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme-BIP: Course Announcement: Pathways to Gender Equality: Empowerment Through Theatre

The Department of Political Science offers a unique course supported by the European Union:

 300951  SE “Pathways to Gender Equality: Empowerment Through Theatre” (Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme-BIP)  (Lefkofridi, Z.) – 6 ECTS.

Through a blend of theoretical and experiential learning, this course, conducted in Salzburg and Amsterdam, will equip you with practical tools to address discrimination based on gender in your daily life. Participants in this course will receive Erasmus funding for travel to and accommodation in Amsterdam.

The course makes part of the Horizon Europe project  Push*Back*Lash and constitutes a cooperation between the chair for Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality led by Prof. Lefkofridi and the  Theatre of the Oppressed – Vienna.

The course structure includes two parts: In Salzburg, you will explore feminist strategies through theatrical methods, and in Amsterdam, you will participate in an intensive international workshop that deepens your understanding and refines your skills.


This course requires NO prior theatrical knowledge or experience and is open to students of all academic backgrounds! Proof of English proficiency (B2 minimum) via the Online Language Support (OLS) is designed to help Erasmus+ participants improve their knowledge of the language in which they will study abroad so that they can make the most out of this experience. You can take the OLS assessment test here for free: Erasmus exchange funding is available (application required via the International Office).

For more information contact: gdeWUIH0K@plpih5-Sus.aJrb@uoc.atj4eqs1


Mag. Nikolina Sokic

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft

Rudolfskai 42 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 6626

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