
Elderly Relatives & Care: What services are available in the province of Salzburg?

Information and consultation event

Thuesday, 24 October 2024 | 13:00 to 14:00 |  ONLINE EVENT

Each individual care situation is different because the health, life and family situations are different, too. The situation often is challenging and sometimes overlaid by a sense of helplessness relating to support and relief options for relatives.

DGKP Claudia Bernhard-Kessler BA, MSc from the Care Advisory Service of the Province of Salzburg provides an initial overview of the services offered by the government, the province, insurance providers and other organisations such as the Red Cross and Hilfswerk as well as voluntary activities. In her input, she sheds light on various topics such as care at home, long-term and short-term care, mobility and financing.

Depending on the demands of the participants she will go into more detail on topics such as care and hospice leave, 24-hour care, financing of services for people from other countries (EU, EEA, Switzerland, third countries, etc.). Individual counselling appointments can also be arranged afterwards for individual case advice.

The speaker

DGKP Claudia Bernhard-Kessler BA, MSc is a nursing scientist (including MSc – Advanced Nursing Practice at the PMU Salzburg, Nursing Science) and qualified nurse with many years of experience in transitional care at the SALK (Salzburg Provincial Hospitals). Since 2022 she has been working as a care counsellor and since 2023 also as team leader for the entire province of Salzburg in the care counselling of the province of Salzburg. She has published a book on the topic of transitional care: Bernhard-Kessler, Claudia (2023): Übergangspflege – Transitional Care. Pflegetheoretische Begründungen und pflegepraktische Umsetzungen, Hofgrefe.

About the event

  • The event is aimed at PLUS employees and students.
  • Participation is free of charge. Registration is not required.
  • The event will be simultaneously translated into English.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Mag.a Angela Schoibl (FGDD – compatibility service):

You're in my hands now

Mag.a Angela Schoibl

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | FGDD - Family Gender Disability & Diversity

Kaigasse 17 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 2467

Email to Mag.a Angela Schoibl

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