
Einladung zum Vortrag von Frau Prof. Dr. Katell Berthelot

Am 17. Oktober findet in der Alten Residenz ein Vortrag von Frau Prof. Dr. Katell Berthelot (Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellow) statt:

“Jesus, the Essenes, and the Pharisees in the History of Scholarship: A Case of Traditional Christian Anti-Judaism?”

Christian writings have emphasized similarities between the Essenes and the early Christians since Antiquity. With the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the issue of Christianity’s Essene origins came to the fore in a new way. Although the debate on this subject is part of a growing acknowledgment of the Jewish roots of Christianity, the question remains whether in some cases the tendency to identify a connection between Jesus and the Essenes reflects a form of traditional anti-Judaism among Christian scholars.

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