
Einladung zum Fachbereichsseminar am 28.04.2017

Freitag, 28.04.2017,
14:00 – 16:00 Uhr  
HS 421 (2.OG), NAWI   
Following the influential theorem of ‚everything is everywhere‘ by Baas-Becking, connectivity was for the longest time not considered a relevant factor for structuring communities of icellular organisms. Their small size in combination with formation of resting stages makes them highly effective dispersers. Still, recent analyses on observational datasets suggest regional pattern that seem to be in conflict with the often proposed the ubiquity of microbes. I first summarize evidence from observational studies, and show then results from a esocosm experiment where manipulation of connectivity resulted in strong effects on taxon richness and community composition within only a few weeks. This apparent conflict etween unlimited dispersal and the role of connectivity is discussed within the framework of existing theory