
Einladung zum Fachbereichsseminar am 12.05.2017

Freitag 12.05.2017
14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
HS 414 (1. OG) NAWI
During the last century we observed a dramatic increase in biodiversity loss worldwide and it is estimated that future extinction rates will even increase. Land use has revealed to be a major global driver of biodiversity loss, but a more detailed understanding of the relationships between land use, arthropod communities and ecosystem processes is still lacking. This is, however, important for developing effective conservation and management strategies. In the talk I will summarize some of my findings that I achieved during the last years.
Dr. Jana Petermann und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike-G. Berninger FB-Leiterin
Gäste sind wie immer herzlich willkommen!