
Einladung zum CIVIS online-Workshop: „Connecting students (and faculty) and fostering a sense of (e-)belonging“

Workshop von Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. habil. Maria Tulis-Oswald, MMag. Dr. Petra Siwek-Marcon (PLUS) und Mag. Jitka Vidláková, Ph.D. (MUNI, Brno) im Rahmen der CIVIS Expert Group „Innovative Pedagogies“.

Termin: 29. April 2024, 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr

Unterrichts-/Lehrsprache: Englisch

Brief description:
A sense of relatedness and belonging to the CIVIS community is important for joint learning pathways, engagement, and collaboration between students and faculty. However, creating a culture of mutual trust, a supportive community, and meaningful opportunities for social interactions among peers and between students and faculty is a challenging task, especially when we consider the wide variety of different learning experiences, study-, language-, and cultural backgrounds.

Based on the findings and outputs of recent projects ( eBELONGPLUSTRACK BELONG), the aim of this workshop is to outline important aspects, tools and methods that can be used to promote the building of a CIVIS community – not only during any face-to-face phases and the online courses, but especially in between, before and after, in order to best implement a collaborative, inclusive and safe learning environment during the courses. We will focus on vulnerable groups and demanding conditions in this particular teaching and learning context.

Students and employees interested in attending this workshop are invited to register through  the online form.

Weitere Informationen:  Connecting students (and faculty) and fostering a sense of belonging – CIVIS – A European Civic University

Foto: © CIVIS


Philipp Lindmayr

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | School of Education

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1

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