
Die Revolution in Rojava als Umsetzung des Demokratischen Konföderalismus

The uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt in 2011 opened a new period in the Middle East. The lecture series presents critical academic analysis on the far-reaching social upheavals in the Middle East and voices of democratic and revolutionary social movements in this changing region.
In Syria the uprising turned into a brutal war. The population is attacked by the regime as well as reactionary jihadist gangs. The Kurdish liberation movement demonstrates a democratic alternative in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) and has become a key player shaping the dynamics in Syria, Iraq and Turkey.
Der Vortrag findet am Donnerstag, 21. Mai von 18:00-20:00 Uhr im HS E.004 (Anna Bahr-Mildenburg), Erdgeschoss UniPark, Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1 statt.    

Stadtteilversammlung in Rojava, Syrisch-Kurdistan

Beate Wernegger

Studiensekretariat Geographie/Global Studies

Fachbereich Geographie und Geologie

5020 Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstr. 34

Tel: 0662-8044-5217

E-Mail an Beate Wernegger