
Current Information about Covid-19

Dear staff,

As the winter semester 2022/23 is approaching, we would like to inform you of some important Covid-19 related updates:

FFP2 masks are recommended to be worn in all PLUS buildings but are not obligatory. The mask provides extremely effective protection against infections (not only COVID!), so it should be worn especially when there are large gatherings of people. The other precautionary measures (social distancing, hand hygiene, regular room ventilation) should continue to be observed.

What should I do if I have COVID?

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you are not allowed to enter any PLUS buildings – even if you have no symptoms (see exception below). This applies to both students and staff.

If the lateral flow test is positive, please stay at home and take a PCR test as soon as possible. If the PCR test is negative, you may return to the University.

If your PCR test is positive (and you have symptoms), please contact your doctor (this is also possible by phone) and get a sick note if necessary. Please inform your supervisor and the Human Resources department immediately and report the infection to , as we are still obliged to report the number of current new infections (without revealing your identity).

If you have a positive PCR test (and have no symptoms), you should – if possible and in consultation with your supervisor – work from home. If you need to pick up anything from your workspace, you may briefly come to the university to get it, in consultation with your supervisor. You must wear an FFP2 mask and keep interaction with other people to a minimum.

The restrictions applying to those who have a positive PCR test will generally end after 5 (testing negative) or 10 days. Following this period, staff must resume their work at the PLUS as usual.

Students are not allowed to come to the university if they have COVID. Students have been asked to inform course instructors accordingly and they excused from their lectures. Please allow students to make up for absences with other work or to attend the course online. Please offer students an alternative for examination dates as soon as possible.

Please note that changes in the pandemic situation may require us to adjust the necessary measures (e.g. FFP-2 mask requirement)! Information on the current COVID measures can be found on the  intranet; if you cannot find what you are looking for there, please contact .

We would like to remind you of the online open exchange on Friday, 23.09.2022, at 1pm, during which we will be available to answer any questions you may have about all aspects of study and semester operations:

We wish you a successful start to the semester and stay healthy!

Kind regards

Nicola Hüsing and Martin Weichbold


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Hüsing

Vice Rector for Research and Sustainability

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Rectorate

Kapitelgasse 6 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 2410

Email to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Hüsing

Graphic: © University of Salzburg. PLUS