
Current COVID measures

Rector Hendrik Lehnert informs on behalf of the Rectorate of the University of Salzburg together with the chair team of the ÖH University of Salzburg, Laura Reppmann, Lara Simonitsch and Manuel Gruber, about the current COVID situation in Salzburg and the next steps at PLUS.

Current COVID measures:

„Dear colleagues, dear students,

The COVID situation in Salzburg is unfortunately escalating and we must try to master this situation in the best possible way. Meanwhile, in the last couple of days, questions, concerns, and fears have been brought to our attention from several parties at our University: While some say the current measures do not go far enough considering the dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases, others are opposed to stricter measures. We take these concerns very seriously, and therefore also address you with a clear message:

  • The 2.5G rule (vaccination, recovery or PCR test) generally applies at the PLUS for courses and in all offices, and this will continue to apply ( MB November 4, 2021). We will continue to ensure that a 2G rule will not become necessary: To achieve this and to protect all of us, however, it is necessary to adhere to the strict implementation of these measures.
  • However, as PCR tests are currently not available within the necessary timeframe, supervised antigen tests will also be recognised with a validity of 24 hours until further notice. In principle the state of Salzburg provides a very good PCR infrastructure and we are very optimistic that in the near future the test results will become available in more reasonable time.
  • Due to the lower reliability of the antigen tests, and in light of the current infection rate, FFP2 masks must be worn throughout University buildings. Staff in single offices, in multiple-occupation offices (if all those present have been vaccinated) and lecturers in courses (if safe-distancing is in place) are exempt from this requirement.
  • Courses scheduled to be held in attendance can also be held online as an alternative; in principle, however, we want to stick to classroom teaching and, if the situation improves, we will switch back to the originally planned format. Courses that are already held with the 2G rule in place can continue to be held as planned without the FFP2 mask. However, we recommend proactively informing the participants about the additional possibility of PCR testing.
  • Since the number of people suffering from COVID and individuals with contact restrictions is also increasing considerably at the University, all instructors are asked to enable affected students to continue/complete courses, if necessary, through compensation tasks. Positive test results (including those of students) must also be disclosed via , as they must be reported by the university to the Federal Ministry in anonymised form.
  • At all other events, the 2G rule applies, i.e. they are restricted to those who are vaccinated or have recovered from the virus. An FFP2 mask must be worn during the event, buffets and the like are no longer permitted until further notice.
  • Even vaccinated people can transmit the virus and fall ill (albeit with milder symptoms and for a shorter period of time). We therefore recommend that these persons also be tested regularly; ideally with PCR tests, but antigen tests are also still available. For staff members, antigen tests can be ordered through the heads of department or division by contacting the Procurement Office (Wirtschaftsabteilung).

The Rectorate asks all University members to support these measures; it goes without saying that they will be constantly scrutinised. We have made many appeals to the need for and effectiveness of vaccination; we are doing so again here, as we do not want to jeopardise our overall goal – full attendance teaching in 2022.

We urge all of you to join us in trying to overcome this situation!

Kind regards,
Hendrik Lehnert on behalf of the Recorate of the University of Salzburg & Laura Reppmann, Lara Simonitsch und Manuel Gruber (Chairing team of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) Salzburg)“

Current COVID measures

Photo: © Universität Salzburg. PLUS