
Crossculture Religious Studies Project

The Religious Studies Program of the Paris-Lodron-University in Salzburg will start a new program in the winter semester 2022/2023 – the Crossculture Religious Studies Project in cooperation with universities in Munich, Yogyakarta, Seoul, Nairobi, and Haifa. The program starts with a open SummerSchool from the 1st-4th August 2022 in Salzburg.

 Religions are in a continuous process of transformation on a local and global level. In order to understand their impact on societies and cultures, the Crosscultural Religious Studies Project aims to provide students the possibility to experience academic concepts and on-the-ground practice of different religious traditions in relation to their cultural analysis. The project under the lead of Prof. Martin Rötting (Salzburg) examines religions and their impact in light of interreligious and intercultural processes, engaging as well their economic, political, and, at times, conflictual dimensions.

The vision of the master program is a cooperative one, in which six universities participate. Students will spend their first academic year (two semesters) in a religious studies program at one of the participating universities. Their third semester will be spent at another university, for an immersion in a different cultural environment, studying with scholars of expertise in a religious tradition other than the one to which the first year was devoted. Students may choose to spend their fourth semester at any participating university, including those at which they studied over the previous semesters. All six universities guarantee full mutual recognition of academic credits gained at the other participating institutions. The degree/diploma will be granted by the university at which the student spent their first year of study.

The Religious Studies Project SummerSchool offers a week of academic and cultural sharing in Salzburg.

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