
Colloquium with Dr. Maartje Roelofsen

Home and Housework in Platform-mediated Tourism

Guest lecture by Dr. Maartje Roelofsen from the Wageningen University

Wednesday, 16. Oktober 2024 | from 18:00 | HS 386 | Department of Sociology and Human Geography| Rudolfskai 42 | 5020 Salzburg

 Maartje Roelofsen is a postdoctoral researcher in the Cultural Geography Group at Wageningen University and Research. Maartje’s research has examined digital transformations within the realm of tourism, urban space, and geography education. She has explored the impact of short-term rental platforms on the conditions of hospitality work and understandings of home and (un)homeliness. Empirically, she has engaged in a long-term ethnographic project on Airbnb and its transformation of everyday life and housing in European cities. Her current postdoctoral project focuses on the gendered, racialised and classed divisions of domestic labour in households that have started to earn income through short-term rental platforms.

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