
Botanical Gardens Week Exhibition: New Wild Ones – Globalisation in the Plant Kingdom

Werbeplakat_NeophytenBotanic Gardens Week will take place from June 12 to 20, 2021 on the topic of neophytes.

Under the title “Neue Wilde – Globalisierung in der Pflanzenwelt” (New Wild Ones – Globalisation in the Plant World), an exhibition on this topic will be held at the Salzburg Botanical Garden from 12 June.

Plants can travel much faster and further than their dispersal mechanisms allow. With the help of humans and modern means of transport, plants easily overcome natural barriers. Many of the intentionally or unintentionally introduced plant species can settle permanently in their new home. Some of them are already integrated into our flora. Some colonise sites in urban habitats that are not occupied by native species and can thus contribute to greening and maintaining a pleasant urban climate. In natural and semi-natural habitats, however, newly introduced species can spread at the expense of native flora, displacing original species and upsetting the coexistence of different animal and plant species.

This exhibition explains everything you need to know about travel routes and plant traits that favour invasiveness, as well as characteristics that mark invasive sites. The importance of botanical gardens and private gardens for the spread of neophytes as well as the risks and opportunities of new plant species are addressed. In addition to thematic panels, fact sheets provide information on individual plant species that have become native to us or in other parts of the world as neophytes.

AlliariaThere are also 2 guided tours of the exhibition with Dr Stephanie Socher: Friday, 18 June, 2 pm and Wednesday, 23 June, 6 pm.

Please register for these by email or by phone 0662/ 8044 5500.
Maximum number of participants is 15 with a minimum distance of two metres.
Meeting point is the entrance to the Botanical Garden. Duration: approx. one hour. Free admission.
The tour takes will place in any weather.



Photographs: © Stephanie Socher