
Billroth-Colloquium summer term 2019

Next lecture: 27th June 2019, 12.30 pm

Alexander PETUTSCHNIGG (FH Salzburg, Campus Kuchl)
Title: “Wood as resource – Biotechnical research and cooperation potentials with the FH Salzburg, Campus Kuchl”

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI (FH) Dr. Alexander Petutschnigg, Bakk.rer.nat., MSc
Head of Degree Programme, Head of Naturwissenschaften & Ökologie, Head of Projekt- und Bachelorarbeiten, Head of Arbeitsmethoden und Wissenschaft, Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction
Campus Kuchl, Room: Kuchl – 1.03
Markt 136a
A-5431 Kuchl
Tel:+43 50 2211 2011


To encourage open communication and presentations of unpublished data, each participant at the Billroth-Kolloquium agrees that any information presented, whether in the formal talk or the subsequent discussion, is a private communication from the individual making the contribution and is presented with the restriction that such information is not for public use.