
Awardees of the Publication of the Year 2022

We proudly announce the Awardees of the Publication of the Year 2022

1st Award: Tobias FRAUENLOB and Theresa NEUPER

Frauenlob und Neuper

Prize: € 400.-

Tobias Frauenlob and Theresa Neuper are the recipients of the 1st “Publication of the Year 2022”- Award for their publication “ Helicobacter pylori infection of primary human monocytes boosts subsequent immune responses to LPS” in the Journal ‘Frontiers in Immunology’.

2nd Award: Isabel HOPPE

Isabel Hoppe

Prize: € 200.-

Isabel Hoppe is the recipient of the 2nd “Publication of the Year 2022”- Award for her publication “ The Fluorescent Enzyme Cascade Detects Low Abundance Protein Modifications Suitable for the Assembly of Functionally Annotated Modificatome Databases” in the Journal ‘ChemBioChem’.

2nd Award: Melanie SCHÜRZ and Joachim DANMAYR

Schürz und Danmayr

Prize: € 200.-

Melanie Schürz and Joachim Danmayr are the recipients of the 2nd “Publication of the Year 2022”- Award for their publication “ EVAnalyzer: High content imaging for rigorous characterisation of single extracellular vesicles using standard laboratory equipment and a new open-source ImageJ/Fiji plugin” in the ‘Journal of Extracellular Vesicles’.



Fotos: © T. Frauenlob/T. Neuper/I. Hoppe/M. Schürz/J. Danmayr