
A glimpse at the experience of a CIVIS Erasmus+ student

Embracing the new…

However, in Greece there are no exercise courses and because of the high number of students, one doesn’t have the chance to ask questions during the lectures. Students must keep up with the pace of the lecturers and are forced to do a lot of self-studies afterwards. Furthermore, information is mainly provided via the blackboard, and one is never forced to present their own solutions to the audience. Vasilis thinks, that applying the knowledge one gains during the lecture is a key part in understanding the subject matter and contributes mainly to the outstanding education here at the mathematics department in Salzburg.

“Despite the initial challenges of adapting to a new culture and environment, the kindness and support of both my professors and my peers eased my transition. Their willingness to lend a guiding hand and offer words of encouragement transformed my uncertainties into opportunities for growth. In the lecture halls of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, I discovered a dynamic learning environment, characterized by interactive teaching methods and engaging discussions. The professors’ eagerness to assist me, regardless of the natural barrier that separated us, was truly commendable. Whether through patient explanations, supplementary material in English or extra office hours, they went above and beyond to ensure my engagement with the course material and the success of my studies.”

Vasilis would especially like to thank Prof. Schröder for switching the spoken language in his lecture “Numerical Analysis” spontaneously to English for the ongoing semester! For him, this is a good example of the friendly supervisor – student relation at the mathematics department here at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg. Furthermore, Vasilis enjoyed not only the landscapes and nature in and around the city but also the people and kindness he experienced.

“Moreover, beyond academia, the beautiful city of Salzburg itself served as a captivating backdrop for my CIVIS Erasmus+ experience, since I did not only expand my academic horizons but also embraced a lifestyle brimming with new adventures and friendships.”

Facts File:

Vasilis was competing in track and field as well as men’s artistic gymnastics in the past. In Salzburg, he started playing beach volleyball and was pleased by the large number of public courts one can use

Vasilis has bad hay fever and suffered throughout the semester because of the pollen

Spring is so beautiful in Salzburg and it’s even hotter than he imagined (running around in just a t-shirt)

The CIVIS exchange student was impressed not only by the architecture of the city and the big public parks such as the “Volksgarten”, but also by how well organized everything was

It’s nice that Salzburg is such a walkable city

At the age of 7 Vasilis started to learn English and was already proficient by the age of 16

He worked for 2 years as a math teacher for kids aged between 10-16 in a private school (typically afternoon schools in Greece)

His chosen specialization within the mathematics study is “applied mathematics” due to his interest in economics, AI and programming

At the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 14 subjects are mandatory, to be completed with 36 chosen subjects out of 100 possibilities

At the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg Vasilis chose 4 subjects, each consisting of lecture and exercise:

      • Complex Variables by Dr. Naian Liao
      • Numerical Analysis by Prof. Andreas Schröder
      • Algebra II by Prof. Clemens Fuchs
      • Number Theory by Prof. Wolfgang Schmid

Exams are usually scheduled to take place after the courses have ended, but as financial support from Erasmus+ ends on the last day of the courses, earlier exam dates have to be arranged with the lecturers in order to gain the required ECTS points.

Portrait von Vasilis Markopoulos

Barbara Babacek

Administration Team and PR

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Fakultät für Digitale und Analytische Wissenschaften | Department of Mathematics

Hellbrunner Straße 34 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 5308

Email to Barbara Babacek

Photo: Portrait of Vasilis Markopoulos at the "Marko-Feingold" pedestrian bridge | © Vasilis Markopoulos