
Close-up of Research Scienctists Chemists Working in Laboratory Horizontal

Scientist-in-Residence program 2025

Announcement of SIR-scholarship 2025. The application deadline for the first half of 2025 expires on 31 May 2024. The Scientist-in-Residence program invites young scientists from different disciplines to a one-month work stay in Salzburg – “city of knowledge”. The intention of the program is to give international young scientists access to Salzburg’s knowledge institutions, to promote sustainable networking and thus to initiate and carry out new projects. 2025 up to ten scholarships are available, each with a duration of one month.

Published on 14 May 2024
Barbi Markovic | Autorin

5. Stefan Zwei Poetikvorlesung | BARBI MARKOVIĆ: Stehlen, Schimpfen, Spielen

13. bis 17. Mai 2024 | Präsenz: Den Themen Stehlen, Schimpfen und Spielen widmet sich die 5. Stefan Zweig Poetikvorlesung im UNIPARK Nonntal von 13. bis 15. Mai. Am 16. Mai gibt es eine Lesung und ein Gespräch mit der Belgrader Autorin Barbi Marković im Stefan Zweig Zentrum auf der Edmundsburg zu Ihrem Roman “Minihorror”.

Published on 07 May 2024
Language Meetup | Sprachentreff

PLUSeverywhere: 3rd Language Meetup

23 May 2024 | in presence: Celebrate our 25th anniversary and explore the rich world of languages with us! The 3rd Language Meetup of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg will take place in the UNIPARK Nonntal. We invite you to a colourful and multilingual exchange on the topic of “Celebrating festivals”. You can exchange ideas with experienced moderators at a total of 7 language tables.

Published on 06 May 2024