
Klaus und Jörg

Österreichische Nationalbank funds “lifelong learning” project of Jörg Paetzold and Klaus Nowotny

Lifelong learning is of increasing importance for many economies facing structural change and rising labor market dynamics. To foster lifelong and adult learning, many advanced economies have introduced leave programs for educational purposes, including Austria (the so-called “Bildungskarenz”). Several reforms have made the Austrian educational leave program one of the most generous and expensive educational leave programs among all OECD countries (OECD 2019).

Published on 06 February 2022
Further information about teaching at PLUS

Teaching from March 2022

Covid developments and next steps for studying at the PLUS from March: a message from the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Martin Weichbold, and the chairing team of the Students’ Union, Laura Reppmann, Lara Simonitsch and Manuel Gruber.

Published on 04 February 2022

April 6th 2022: 3rd Ulrich Winkler Lecture – Topic: Spiritualität zwischen Religion und Säkularisierung

On Wednesday, April 6th 2022, 16:00 pm the 3rd Ulrich Winkler Lecture will take place at HS 101 of the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Salzburg (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, ground floor). The lecture will be held in German. The lecutrer is Prof. Dr. Andreas Nehring (University of Erlangen) and the topic will be: Spiritualität zwischen Religion und Säkularisierung

Published on 03 February 2022