
Simon Pickl

Salzburg Germanist Receives Award

The Prize for German Studies in Linguistics of the Hugo-Moser-Stiftung goes to Dr. Simon Pickl from the University of Salzburg. Dr. Pickl works as an assistant professor at the Department of German Studies and is currently conducting research on the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Cambridge (GB).

Published on 19 March 2019
Bild: Elisabeth Schmirl

14 March: W + K Forum – One Year Cultural Development Plan (KEP) Land Salzburg. Stocktaking – Experiences – Prospects

Thursday, 14 March, 2019, 9:30 Kulturfrühstück, Salzburger Landestheater, Schwarzstraße 22, 5020 Salzburg: Panel discussion with Martin Hochleitner (Salzburg Museum), Kerstin Klimmer-Kettner (kunstraum pro arte), Bashir Khordaji (director and actor), Ingrid Weydemann ( Museum Fronfeste) and Eva Veichtlbauer (Land Salzburg).

Published on 15 March 2019
Tag der offenen Tür

Wednesday 13 March: Open Door Day

On Wednesday, 13 March, 2019, the University of Salzburg cordially invites pupils, parents and interested parties to inform themselves about the wide range of courses offered. The program can be found here:  hier.

Published on 15 March 2019