
KTH Fakultät Foyer 2017

Major project on Jewish-Christian dialogue launched at the PLUS

In a project network with German partners and with 1 million euros in third-party funding, the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) is launching a major programme on Jewish-Christian dialogue. The aim of the programme is to further develop the Jewish-Christian dialogue both in terms of basic theological research and in the formation of social opinion. After the Shoa the Christian churches have made the renewal of their relationship with Judaism and the Christian-Jewish dialogue one of their central tasks. The director of the new programme is the fundamental theologian Gregor Maria Hoff.

Published on 20 December 2021

new publication of Prof. Sander

On December 2nd 2021 the magazin “die Furche 48” published an article by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.habil Hans-Joachim Sander with the topic: “Nein sagen müssen, um überhaupt Ja sagen zu können. Sowohl Jan-Heiner Tück als auch Gregor Maria Hoff haben mit ihrer Intention hinsichtlich des “Synodalen Weges” der Kirche recht – und doch stecken sie jeweils in einer Falle. Weiterführung einer Debatte”

Published on 07 December 2021