Press Releases

Philosophy department at the PLUS receives Cluster of Excellence award for 2023

Published on 14 March 2023

PLUS: Fünf neue Professor*innen
Available only in German

Published on 07 March 2023

Panorama:Uni: No Sports?
Available only in German

Published on 07 March 2023

Neuer Universitätsrat an der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
Available only in German

Published on 03 March 2023

Sponsionen und Promotionen vom 1. März 2023
Available only in German

Published on 01 March 2023

PLUS: Studierenden in Not helfen
Available only in German

Published on 22 February 2023

Tag der offenen Tür am 8. März
Available only in German

Published on 20 February 2023

1. Mathe-Cup Salzburg – ein neuer Mathematik-Teamwettbewerb für Salzburg
Available only in German

Published on 15 February 2023

„Backlash“ – der Trend gegen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit
Available only in German

Published on 08 February 2023

135 Jahre „National Geographic“: Immer weniger Text, immer mehr Bilder
Available only in German

Published on 07 February 2023

Dr. Hans Riegel-Fachpreis 2023
Available only in German

Published on 25 January 2023

Zwischen Fürsorge und Gewalt!? – Aufwachsen in Pflegefamilien und sozialpädagogischen Wohngruppen
Available only in German

Published on 18 January 2023

Sponsionen und Promotionen vom 18. Jänner 2023
Available only in German

Published on 18 January 2023

Studie: Steuerhinterziehung liegt (auch) in der Familie
Available only in German

Published on 13 January 2023

Women in Science Award
Available only in German

Published on 20 December 2022