
Evening lecture: Doctoring Beauty

Beauty and Medicine in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Europe

26 September 2023 | W&K-Atelier, 1. OG, Bergstraße 12a, KunstQuartier | UNIPARK Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 (HS 3, Georg Eisler) | FLYER

Beauty cultures have a remarkable history as the practices, texts, and artefacts involved have circulated and transformed through time and space. The field is closely related to hygiene and health, including a whole range of historical medical practices as well as scientific understanding ranging from natural philosophy and natural history to practices of physical activities, self-care and cosmetics, artisanal practice and experiments, but also pleasure and fun. The itinerant symposium traces the aesthetic praxeology of European beauty cultures from antiquity to the Middle Ages to the Early Modern period between medicine, pharmacology, and the arts.

Christina Antenhofer (University of Salzburg), Jill Burke (University of Edinburgh), Montserrat Cabré (University of Cantabria), Irene Calà (University of Munich), Erin Griffey (University of Auckland), Timothy McCall (Villanova University), Romana Sammern (Inter-University Organization Science and Arts, University of Salzburg / Mozarteum University Salzburg), Katharina Seidl (KHM Museumsverband, Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck), Andreas Winkler (Historical Pharmacy Winkler, Innsbruck)

PROGRAM on 26 September 2023: Inter-University Organization Science and Arts in Salzburg, program “Figurations of Transition”

W&K-Atelier, 1. OG, Bergstr. 12a, KunstQuartier:

  • 9:30-12:30  Panel: Beauty Cultures I: Methodological Considerations
  • 14:00-16:00 Panel: Beauty Cultures II: Materials and Artefacts

Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 (HS 3, Georg Eisler):

  • 18:00–19:30 Collective Evening Lecture: Doctoring Beauty. Beauty and Medicine in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Europe

More dates in September 2023

27 September 2023: Vienna

Austrian National Library, Vienna

11:00–13:00 Panel: Beauty Cultures in Manuscripts and Books

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna: Picture collection, Kunstkammer, Egyptian collection

15:00–18:00 Panel: Beauty Cultures in the Museums I

28 September 2023: Vienna

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna: Picture collection, Kunstkammer, Egyptian collection

9:00-12:00 Panel: Beauty Cultures in the Museums II

13:00-16:00 Panel: Beauty Cultures in the Museums III

In cooperation with the KHM Museumsverband/Schloss Ambras Innsbruck; financed with the support of the State of Salzburg and the State of Tyrol.

Conception, Organisation: Romana Sammern, Erin Griffey, Montserrat Cabré

 Doctoring Beauty. Beauty and Medicine in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Europe

Pharmacy Museum Winkler, Innsbruck. Foto: Romana Sammern

Mag. Silvia Amberger


Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst / Programmbereich "Figurationen des Übergangs"

Bergstr. 12a | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 2377

E-Mail an Mag. Silvia Amberger

Foto: Pharmacy Museum Winkler, Innsbruck | © Romana Sammern