
26.6.. Vortrag: Medieval Jerusalem (7th-16th centuries)

The lecture describes the history of medieval Muslim Jerusalem on a chronological axis – beginning with the time of Muhammad and the first Arab conquests in the 7th century, ending with the Ottomans’ conquest of the city in the 16th century. The survey focuses on the religious, political and security position of the city. The discussed issues are as follows: the rise of the religious status of the city in end of the 7th century, with the erection of the religious monuments on the Temple Mount (the “Dome of the Rock” and al-Aqsa mosque); the decline in the status of Jerusalem from the mid 8th century, due to the move of the Islamic Caliphate from Syria to Baghdad, Iraq; the renewed rise of the position of the city in the 12th century, following the Crusaders’ conquest of the Holy Land and the “Jihad” (Holy War) conducted by Saladin; the destruction of the city’s fortifications by Saladin’s successors; and the making of Jerusalem an important religious center by the Mamluks, during the 14th and 15th centuries.

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Margarete Heinz


Zentrum für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte der Univerität Salzburg

Residenzplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel: 0662-8044-2961

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