
26.03.: Gastvortrag: Understanding butterflies: insights in their ecology and conservation

Schmitt T.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt ist Institutsdirektor des Senckenberg Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts (SDEI).

Abstract: Butterflies are the symbol of beauty, the pleasure of being and the joy of life. Unfortunately, many of these wonderful organisms are threatened, which is why a precise understanding of their ecology is an essential prerequisite for arriving at sustainable conservation concepts. In this lecture, therefore, data will be presented in the first part that proves the strong decline of butterflies. In the second part, ecological studies on butterflies will be presented, which mainly address the aspects of phenology, resource use and dispersal capacity. Different adaptation strategies such as differences in proterandry are discussed. In the last part, general concepts for the conservation of butterflies and insects in general are derived.

Meeting number (access code): 121 563 6607
Meeting password: BRciJXjX846
