
2. PEP- Project Meeting in Hamburg

The aim of the project PEP: Promotion de l’éducation plurilingue/Promoting plurilingual education is to promote multilingualism in Europe, particularly in the European education system. PEP is an ERASMUS+ project (2023-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000160820, cooperation partnership in Higher Education) with the participation of seven universities: Université de la Réunion, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, University of Vienna, University of Hamburg, Università Roma Tre, Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Πανεπιστημιο Θεσσαλιας – University of Thessaly.  The project is coordinated by the University of La Réunion under the direction of Christian Ollivier and the University of Salzburg (Margareta Strasser) is the co-coordinator.

At the beginning of June 2024, the 2nd project meeting took place with a total of 17 researchers from the seven participating institutions. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate the data collected as part of a Europe-wide survey on multilingual practice in the education system (secondary and higher education). Thanks to the high response rate, we hope to gain insightful knowledge about current multilingual practice in schools and universities in the participating countries and in Europe.

The next steps planned are the creation of a booklet with examples of good practice, the publication of a bilingual reference work and the creation of a section on multilingual education on Wikiversity.

The reference work and the section on Wikiversity are intended to illustrate and describe the central concepts in the field of multilingual education. Each of the more than 40 articles in the reference work will be available in English and French and will be written by experts in the field of multilingualism. Different authors for the different language versions are also intended to present different perspectives on one and the same topic.

After three days of intensive work, the project team was very satisfied with the results. A big thank you to the Hamburg team for the organization and hospitality.

Projekttreffen Hamburg

Dr. Margareta Strasser

Co-coordination and local coordination

Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Language Centre

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1| A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: 066280444398

Email to Dr. Margareta Strasser

photo: © Thierry Gaillat