
2.6.: Can the Jewish prostitute speak?

The issue of Jewish prostitution and ‚White Slavery‘ was one that caused great anguish in the Jewish world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Great efforts were made by established Jewish communities and international Jewish bodies to suppress Jewish involvement of this embarrassing ‚trade‘. We know much about the organisations to counter Jewish prostitution and something of those who tried to organise ‚White Slavery‘. But what of the Jewish women themselves involved in prostitution? This lecture explores whether it is possible to recover the ‚true‘ voice of the Jewish prostitute. It also ponders the ethics of how we represent these Jewish women in museums, exhibitions, and the arts.  
Tony Kushner is Professor of Jewish/non-Jewish relations at the Parkes Institute and History Department, University of Southampton. His most recent work is The Battle of Britishness: Migrant Journeys, 1685 to the Present and he has recently completed a book about Jewish refugee movements from the Holocaust in the context of twentieth and twenty first century migratory movements.

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Margarete Heinz


Zentrum für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte

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Tel: 0662-8044-2961

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