
16 May: Guest Lecture “House, Settlement, and Society in the Cyclades in the Mid-third Millenium: the Site at Skarkos on the Island of Ios”

Τhere is a dearth of evidence concerning the settlement sites and socio-economic conditions in the Cyclades during the Keros-Syros culture. For this reason Skarkos on the island of Ios is a keysite since it sheds light on these obscure aspects of the Cycladic Early Bronze Age during its major developmental phase (mid-third millennium BC). The excavations have revealed a uniquely preserved Early Cycladic II settlement (Skarkos II) on a hill, in proximity to the island’s spacious sheltered harbour.
Skarkos is the first organized site in the Cyclades to present to the public a settlement of the Cycladic culture of the third millennium BC. The main project for the presentation and conservation of the site was awarded the 2008 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Top Prizefor Conservation.

Ausgrabungen in Skarkos (Ios, Kyladen)

Anna Schmidbauer


FB Altertumswissenschaften, Klassische und Frühägäische Archäologie

Residenzplatz 1/II

Tel: 0662 8044 4550

Email to Anna Schmidbauer