
16.6.: Public Lecture „Shifting Attentions in Design – From Boundaries to Opportunities“

This lecture and panel discussion will critically reflect upon such questions, highlighting that it is not only about designing within certain boundaries (that are, for example, imposed by the process of ageing), but that we can design for far-reaching opportunities for society as a whole. Computational and non-computational artefacts can help to eradicate boundaries that separate impaired from non-impaired people, younger from elderly people, by designing for all and being “barrier-free in each mind”.
For this discussion, we are very happy to announce that Shinji Sudo (People Design Institute, Tokyo), Günter Lepperdinger (Professor at the Department of Cytology and Physiology, University of Salzburg), and Michael Friedrich Russold (Otto Bock Healthcare Products GmbH, Vienna) will be part of this highly interdisciplinary panel discussion to reflect upon these opportunities from various perspectives.
Further information:
Please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues, friends and fellows.
Looking forward to constructive discussions!


Univ.-Prof. Dr. E. Müller

Vizerektor für Lehre

Universität Salzburg


Tel: 0662/8044-2421

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