
16.10.: Who are the 1st century B.C. Dead of the Russian Compound of Jerusalem?

Recently, remains of at least 124 skeletons, including pregnant women and young children were discovered in a water cistern during excavations at the ‘Russian Compound’ in Jerusalem. The dating of the findings to the early first century B.C., made people think immediately about Alexander Jannaeus’s massacre of the Pharisees. However, a good number of external and archeological indications, suggest that those are the remains of rural Jews massacred by Ptolemy Lathyrus. Such an event was recounted in detail by Josephus and is recalled several times in the Dead Sea scrolls as one of the most traumatic events of the Hasmonean era. The lecture will combine the pieces of information gathered from the fields of archeology, classical studies and Jewish studies to try and determine the story standing behind the physical findings.  
Stéphanie E. Binder is a lecturer at the Department of Classical Studies of Bar-Ilan University in Israel and trains high-school history teachers at Beit Berl College. She mainly studies the relations between the Jews and their neighbors – Greek, Roman and Christians – in Antiquity. Philology, Jewish Hellenistic, rabbinical, and patristic literatures are the tools she uses to reconstitute the framework in which the encounters between the different cultures occurred and their nature.

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Margarete Heinz


Zentrum für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte

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