
Life Sciences and Cutting-Edge Technologies

15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting

19th-21st September 2023 | Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences (NLW) | Paris Lodron University of (PLUS) | Hellbrunner Straße 34 | Salzburg |  FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE

The Life Sciences are driven by ever improving technologies, to profile the omics in single-cells and with spatial resolution, to represent the physiological context in organoid models, to extract knowledge with data science and machine learning, and many more. Cutting-edge technologies have great potential but also challenges, and are highly transferable between scientific disciplines.

In this meeting, we will discuss intricacies of technologies and their applications in the Life Sciences. The meeting presents a platform for (young) researchers to showcase their work, network and gain valuable insights into the latest advancements in the field.

Nikolaus Fortelny (Chair; Dept. of Biosciences and Medical Biology) and the Scientific Committee is looking forward!

15th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting | BannerImage: © ÖGMBT

Standort FREISAAL (ehem. NaWi)

Dr. Nikolaus Fortelny, MA

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Deptartment of Biosciences and Medical Biology

Hellbrunner Straße 34 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 5797

Email to Dr. Nikolaus Fortelny, MA

Photo: © Luigi Caputo