
15.03. – Guest Lecture: More than the Sum of Its Parts: Phylogenetic and Genomic Insights into the Lichen Symbiosis

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes 
Dr. Resl is part of the group “Systematic Botany and Mycology” at the Faculty of Biology, Department I, LMU Munich.
Lichens were historically described as a symbiosis between fungi and algae. This “dogma of lichenization” has shaped our view of the lichen symbiosis for over 150 years. With the advent of molecular phylogenies and high-throughput sequencing techniques, we are beginning to understand that lichens are probably much more complex than previously assumed. In recent years, a previously hidden plethora of lichen-associated organisms was discovered. This slowly leads to a paradigm shift, and lichens are now often described as small-scale ecosystems. Genomic methods additionally offer the opportunity to study the genetic repertoire and reveal potentially interesting functions, adaptations and associated metabolic capabilities of lichen-forming organisms. This talk will give an overview of what lichens are and how this view has changed over time. Results from phylogenetic and genomic studies will be presented and highlight some of the advances and challenges we face in trying to understand the lichen symbiosis

After the seminar (ca. 16:00 h), everybody is welcome to join us for drinks and munchies in the „coffee corner on the second floor“.

Bild Newsmeldung Resl

Mag. Dr. Ulrike Ruprecht

Project-PostDoc, AG Junker

Universität Salzburg

Hellbrunnerstr. 34 Raum: D-1.032

Tel: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-5519

Email to Mag. Dr. Ulrike Ruprecht