Online publications
June 2016
Audiences of Contemporary Art Music: Brief Report on Audience Surveys at the Festival d`Automne à Paris, Warsaw Autumn, and Wien Modern in the Autumn of 2014. The brief report on our audience research at the three festivals Warsaw Autumn, Festival d´Automne in Paris, and Wien Modern in 2014.
Our researcher Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring compiled major results of our survey. It is based on the 1,502 returned questionaires. From the large number of findings, only a selection of the results will be presented in this brief report. Among others, the audiences of the three festivals will be described and compared in some detail. The analysis of the characteristic events will only be marginally incorporated. The qualitative content analysis of interviews and observations is not included here. A more detailed version and interpretation of the results will be available in the final project publication (Wolke Verlag) in the summer of 2017. The PDF can be found here.
Peer reviewed journal articels and book chapters
Publications, already published
Heilgendorff, Simone. Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern, and Festival d’Automne à Paris after the year 2000 in a comparative perspective: European or national forums for contemporary (art) music and culture? (article, peer-reviewed). Between Universal and Local, report on the International musicological conference in Ljubljana (SLO) Sept. 2015. Ed. Greogor Pompe, Niksa Gligo a.o. (in print)
Velasco Pufleau, Luis. Commandes et collaborations créatives: le rôle de l’interprète dans les processus de composition musicale. Circuit. Musiques contemporaines, vol. 26, No. 3.
Velasco-Pufleau, Luis. Réseaux collaboratifs et création musicale. Figures de l’art, No. 30, pp. 83–94.
Planned publications:
Heilgendorff Simone, Grebosz-Haring Katarzyna, Velasco-Pufleau Luis & Żyła Monika (authors and editors). New Music Festivals as Agorai: Their Formation and Impact on Warsaw Autumn, Festivald’Automne à Paris, and Wien Modern Since 1980 [working title], open access online publication and book publication (two volumes), Hofheim/Taunus: WolkeVerlag.
Heilgendorff Simone. Proben-Prozesse. Über das Entstehen von Musik und Theater (article)., ed. Wolfgang Gratzer and Christoph Lepschy, Freiburg i.Br.: Rombach Verlag.
Heilgendorff Simone. Aspects of (Re-)Enactment in Recent Festival Performances of Contemporary Art Music (article). New Music Theatre – work in/and progress [working title] (Studies in Musical Theatre (special issue), David Roesner, LMU Munich (guest ed.).