Our department is committed to providing students with the best possible support when they face challenges. Therefore, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the following contact persons.
- Recognition of exams Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Simon Blatt (Chair of the Curriculum Committee)Leitfaden (Legal Department)
- Recognition of exams from other universities Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schmid
- Problems with applications, student support, general information
- Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08.00 – 16.00
- Questions on the subject of Maths
- Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Simon Blatt Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günter Maresch
- Student counselling, questions about ERASMUS Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Volker Ziegler Studieren im Ausland
- Studying without Matura, Mathematics entrance qualification examination DI Bettina Sereinig, Mag. Martina Weiß Initial Information: Monika Radler (Legal Department)
- Family, Gender, Disability & Diversity – FGDD DI Bettina Sereinig