Mathematic – Bridging Course

Your start to a successful degree: brush up on maths and get going!

man muss viele Aufgaben lösen

Welcome to the mathematics bridge course – your first step on the way to a successful degree! This course is specifically designed to refresh and strengthen your maths skills and get you to a good level at the start of the semester.Whether you are just out of school or have already had a break from maths, our course offers you the perfect opportunity to prepare for the challenges of studying.

Content from various maths disciplines is repeated in an understandable way so that you can start your studies with confidence. Our experienced lecturers will guide you through interactive lectures, exciting exercises and numerous examples to help you understand and apply mathematical concepts.

What you can expect:

  • Reappraisal and consolidation of fundamental mathematical conceptsAn outlook on maths in your studiesLearning together in a motivating groupIndividual support from experienced teachersPractical exercises and application tasks that prepare you for the course content

    Take the first step towards a successful future – sign up for our maths bridge course today and start your studies with a strong foundation!

Details for the winter semester 2024/25

When? From 18 to 24 September 2024, 09.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00 in each case

Where? In the lecture theatres HS 413 (1st floor) and HS 434 (3rd floor), Hellbrunnerstr. 34

Registration via  PLUSonline under the LV no. 405.999 from 31 August 2024, 08:00.

The bridging course offered as a lecture with exercises (participation is free of charge) can be credited as a free elective for the degree programme (1 ECTS).

More maths bridge courses in Salzburg:

  • For students of computer science (Universität Salzburg):  PLUSonline
  • For students of physics as a teaching subject (PH Salzburg):  PLUSonline