On 19 November 2020, the Hans Stegbuchner Prize for outstanding diploma and master’s theses as well as dissertations was awarded to 2 students from the Department of Mathematics for the 19th time.
This year, the Hans Stegbuchner Award ceremony, which was originally scheduled to take place on 12 March 2020, was held online via Webex.
Dr Hans Stegbuchner, who died in 1998 and was a university lecturer in the department from 1980 to 1998, initiated the prize, which is now sponsored by the Raiffeisenverband Salzburg, whom we would like to thank for their many years of cooperation.
v.l.n.r.: Andreas Schröder (FBL),
ThomasNussbaumer (Raiffeisenverband),
Arne Bathke (Dekan NaWi, FB Mathematik),
Volker Ziegler (FB Mathematik),
Georg Zimmermann(Award winner),
Ingrid Vukusic (Award winner)
Videobotschaft from Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hendrik Lehnert, (Rektor PLUS)
v.l.n. r.: Georg Zimmermann, Ingrid Vukusic, Dir. Thomas Nussbaumer