RIF 3.0

The RIF 3.0 ( https://rif4you.eu/) website is dedicated to the differentiated training and diagnosis of spatial thinking skills. Primary and secondary school students as well as university students can train their spatial thinking skills in a variety of scientifically based ways. The website offers freely accessible extensive training options by providing numerous, different task groups with a total of more than 1.500 interactive tasks. With the help of the task groups of this website the spatial thinking skills of students can be diagnosed by educators on a class-by-class or individual basis. All the task groups are designed in such a way that they can directly be integrated into lessons or lectures and many components of spatial thinking can be trained in a playful way. Each task group consists of 20 to 60 tasks, which take between 15 up to 45 minutes to complete.

RIF is a cooperation project of the working group “Didactic Innovations Geometry”, the Paris Lodron University Salzburg with the support of the European Union.

Get some impressions about the use of the platform in the following video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjpWCnRgUTo.

RIF is currently used in numerous countries on all continents. On the website  https://geometriedidaktik.at/rif/rif-countries/ you can see up to date user activities.
As of May 2024, RIF is used in 37 countries: Albania, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Brazil, China, Columbia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela
More than 2.8 million tasks were completed on the platform by learners from all over the world.

RIF is available in  German,  English and  Spanish .

Try out the platform right now! You and your students are welcome 24/7.

Contact: Univ.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Günter Maresch